Wednesday, January 24, 2007


How to describe Goa?Well, it isn't like any place in India I've seen so far. Goa is the place most overwhelmed westerners tend to run when they grow tired of "real" India. Some people end up spending almost their entire time in India here. It's easy to see why... Life in Goa moves just a little bit slower. If one wants to hang out with other westerners on a beautiful beach lined with coconut and palm trees, Arambol beach, where I am staying, is the place to be. There are good restaurants and bars (and thus, a healthy party scene if one is so inclined), minimal hassles, and plenty of reputable yoga schools to choose from (I start a course on friday.) I'm renting a bamboo hut directly on the beach. I've spent 2 days here, and I honestly couldn't tell you where the time has gone. Walking on the beach, people watching (hippies are fascinating... at least for now), writing, reading, meditating, sleeping... Not a bad life really, but it could become old. The hard reality which pervades the rest of India is lacking here, and I could see myself begin to miss the challenges and rewards associated with travelling off of the tourist map. I didn't come to this country to lay on a beach the whole time. A week or so should suffice.


Anonymous said...

Yo dude,

hope all is well, remember that "if you cant drink the water....." well you know how thats ends....its more of a suggestion then any rule...disobey at your own risk.

Live it up Buddy.... for the both of us...

Anonymous said...

thats last one was from me


Anonymous said...

in case you didnt guess.....................

Anonymous said...

Hey Rance!!

Its been awhile since i've posted, but i've been ridiculously busy - and apparently so have you! I would love to hear the details of your meditation course, just the way you wrote it sounds incredible. I was in Vancouver last weekend for JDC Business competition - and I abosultely fell in love with the city - i was just amazed at how alive and healthy concious people were! organic food markets, runners on everyblock! and of course great fashion!
JDC is coming here next year and i'm on the organization team - its going to be alot of work but definately worth it
Anyway, glad to hear you're doing great - even though you lost your camera- miss you, thanks so much for all the postcards! take care
keep fit and have fun!