Wednesday, November 15, 2006


ok, so after 30 or so hours of travel, i made it to delhi alive. i don't have a lot of time for this post because i have tour starting soon, so look for a longer one within the next few days. this city is nuts. one quick story: when i was out walknig yesterday i saw a man shuffling himself along the side of the road on his bum. his feet were wrapped in rags that had been stained yellow by some fluid oozing from beneath them. he was wearing a backpack and carrying a small metal can with a lid. he would set the can on the ground, move himself forward with his hands, then move the can forward, then repeat the process. his progress was pitiful to say the least. all the while, traffic whizzed by less than a meter away. i couldn't believe it... i approached him and attempted to ask him where he needed to go, or if there was a way i could help him... of course, he had not a word of english, and i have no hindi. so i flagged down an auto rickshaw and asked the driver to take the man whereever he needed to go, and told him that i would pay the fare. the driver didn't look too impressed, but eventually agreed to take him... i walked away feeling that i had done some good, while at the same time feeling guilty that i was going to a nice meal and a clean bed.

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