Friday, November 24, 2006

Goodbye Dharamsala

So after franticly searching the markets and shops of Dharamsala for supplies (I finally found a clunky POS kerosine stove for $4.) I'm packed and ready to go. I leave bright and early tomorrow morning on my hike over the Minkiani pass. The pack is bloody heavy (5 days of supplies plus my books, fuel, warm clothing, mountain gear, stove, shelter, and all the extra supplies for the 5 months or so I have planned for this country) so going will be slow.

I attended a teaching given by the Dalai Lama yesterday. I'm not going to lie, most of what he said sailed right over my head. The teaching was aimed at "strict practitioners" of Buddhism. However, as cheesy as it sounds, I did feel a connection with the man. He has presence. Our eyes met for what felt like an hour, but couldn't have been more than a couple of seconds... maybe he was just checking out the westerner in the sea of monks. But I felt a connection, and I saw understanding. Like so many other things I have experienced in the short duration of this trip thus far, it is not something I will easily forget.


Mitch said...

The croc's were defiantly a good investment man. But what's that red contraption rigged to the back of your pack?

Matt said...

That is my stove. Yeah, yeah... I know. It costed $4 (with a full tank of kerosene) and i'm pretty sure i was ripped off.